“Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself its own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it.”

— Niels Bohr

Advance toward resolution.

With a fair and neutral mediator to facilitate the process, alternative dispute resolution (ADR)—including mediation and arbitration—is a useful tool for both parties in a dispute and provides a structured, equitable means by which to better understand each other’s point of view, identify key issues and move diligently toward a solution both sides can live with.

Working with—not against.

The most successful ADR is that which is least adversarial, aided by an experienced mediator to ensure the parties communicate clearly, are equipped to navigate complex issues with confidence and are encouraged to treat each other with respect.

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”

—A. Einstein

About Edd: Mediator & Arbitrator

Located in Charleston, West Virginia, and with over 40 years ADR experience, Edd McDevitt has brought about the successful conclusion of hundreds of legal and other disputes covering both mandatory and voluntary mediations and arbitrations.

Let’s get started.

Contact us to schedule a call or appointment to discuss ADR services.